Schengen Travel Insurance

For annual Multitrip insurance (max. 90 insured days per trip), tick the following box

Start Date :

List of Insured

Insured n° {{index+1}} – Price: € [[personne–devis-pp]]

Add an Insured

Price of your travel insurance : € [devis-st] VAT Inc.

Check the informations

To validate your quotation and obtain your insurance certificate, please check the information below, and click “Next” to continue

Options ?
[[personne–nom]], [[personne–prenom]]
[[personne–devis-pp]] € TTC

Total of € [devis-st] VAT Inc. to pay by credit card

Add a promo code

Schengen Travel Insurance for the period from
[date-depart] to [date-fin] from [provenance_pays] to [destination_pays]

Subscriber information

Buyer details

Information of the future insured – Please enter the insured’s contact details, which will appear on the certificate


Asset 3support mondialcare

मदद की ज़रूरत है ?
हमारी टीम से संपर्क करें
+33 1 82 83 56 26

हमारे सलाहकार उपलब्ध हैं
सुबह 9.30 से शाम 6.00 बजे तक,
सोमवार से शुक्रवार